Vaping has undoubtedly helped people quit smoking. According to the Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR), 82 million people vape worldwide. ADVERTISEMENT
However, you might want to keep your vape sessions in check. Aside from the well-known respiratory impacts, some wonder if the habit might also be the culprit behind the acne spots appearing on their skin.
This article will cover the ingredients of an e-cigarette or vape. We’ll also discuss the various health impacts of vaping, from your lungs to your skin.
Let us start with a few basic details about vaping. It involves smoking vapes or e-cigarettes, which are portable battery-powered devices.
You could purchase disposable ones from your local convenience store. On the other hand, you could grab an e-cigarette that you could refill with various flavors, from coffee to mint.
That does not mean you are merely puffing vaporized fruits and desserts. Instead, a vape cartridge contains a cartridge with a concoction of various liquids.
Acrolein and formaldehyde could cause irreversible lung damage, while Propylene glycerol is toxic to human cells. Also, a vape pen contains nicotine.
It is a well-known harmful component of cigarettes. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that can cause many complications, such as increased blood pressure and lung failure.
Moreover, these may include nicotine and artificial flavors like the one mentioned above. The pen heats that mixture into an aerosol vapor that a user inhales into his lungs. Nowadays, you can buy various types of electronic cigarettes. ADVERTISEMENT
Minis resemble regular cigarettes, and they are disposable. Closed pod e-cigs are disposable vape pens that contain a liquid pod. You could replace the pod with a new one once it runs out.
Refillable systems have a tank that can contain the vape liquid or juice you want. Unlike closed pods, you simply pour new liquid into the tank. Other brands like JUUL let you recharge their vape pens via USB cable.
You may have learned from various sources that vaping is safer than smoking. However, both of them deliver harmful chemicals to your body. Vaping only does so in a less dangerous way.
Smoking delivers nicotine by burning nicotine that exposes you to many harmful substances. On the other hand, vaping heats a liquid that may contain less toxic chemicals.
Nevertheless, both can harm your health. For example, you could contract bronchiolitis obliterans (BO). Otherwise known as popcorn lung , it permanently scars the small branches of the airways.
As a result, you may find it difficult to breathe. BO comes from inhaling diacetyl, a common ingredient for vape pens that enhance their taste.
You might also contract Lipoid Pneumonia. It develops when fatty acids enter your lungs, but you could get the same effect from the oily substances of vape pens.
The disease irritates the lungs, and it can cause shortness of breath and coughing up blood. Worse, there are no reliable treatments for this condition except supportive care.
In other words, you might have to wait until your lungs heal by themselves. You will also have to stop vaping during that period.
Vaping could increase the risk of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax. Also known as Collapsed Lung, it involves blisters on the top of the lungs.
The condition may produce symptoms like sharp shoulder or chest pain and difficulty breathing. It does not usually cause symptoms by itself.
However, you could burst the blisters as you continue vaping. Eventually, your lungs may collapse, requiring oxygen treatment and some rest.
Unfortunately, the worst cases require more invasive procedures. For example, you might need a chest tube to drain leaked oxygen and surgery to repair the lungs.
The vape liquid ingredients could dry your throat and mouth. These could also dry your skin and deprive it of antioxidants, increasing the amount of sebum.
It is the oil that your skin uses to stay hydrated. However, too much sebum could cause pimples in blocked skin pores. In other words, vaping could cause zit breakouts.
Various studies have shown that smoking could cause acne after puberty. Since smoking and vaping contain nicotine, some experts agree that the latter could cause pimples.
Vaping could harm your skin in other ways. For example, it could increase the chances of facial scarring. Nicotine harms immune cells that are essential for repairing the skin.
As a result, smoking and vaping can delay wound healing. Pop those zits, and they could take longer to heal and may leave gross marks on your face.
Nicotine could also make you look older by giving you wrinkles. It narrows your blood vessels, preventing them from giving oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells.
Eventually, your skin will struggle to survive. As a result, you are more likely to have a “smoker’s face,” a condition where your face looks older than your current age.
You may also develop skin rashes as you vape. E-cigarettes use nickel to heat vape liquid, seeping into your lips and smoking hand.
Be aware of the potential health issues you may receive from vaping. If you have pre-existing conditions, please avoid smoking and vaping. Even better, consult your doctor beforehand.
Also, follow your local laws regarding using e-cigarettes and similar products. Stay away from these if you are not of legal age. It would be ideal if you followed a healthy lifestyle instead.
Start by quitting these habits and replacing them with positive ones. For example, exercise daily and eat a proper diet. You can check out Inquirer USA for more health tips.
Vaping can cause various respiratory problems like popcorn lung. Moreover, you could develop skin problems like rashes, wrinkles, and acne. That is why many health experts discourage vaping.
Vaping can dry your skin and deprive it of essential nutrients. As a result, you are more likely to have acne breakouts in adulthood. Worse, the pimple scars may take longer to heal.
Vaping might be less harmful than smoking, but it can still cause various diseases. In response, you may want to avoid this habit and replace it with positive ones like pursuing a hobby.
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