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An intact chamber pot, an ornate salad oil bottle, and century-old “Frozen Charlotte” porcelain dolls were among thousands of 150-year-old artefacts discovered underground on a central Christchurch site.
The historic items, some dating back to the 1850s, were discovered during an ar
Did you know that over 40 million people vape? This will increase to grow as vaping opens the doors to different kinds of experiences. Traditional tobacco cigarettes can’t compete.
One advantage of vaping is you can cut out nicotine and instead opt for CBD vape. However, you need t
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B rian King, currently a higher-up at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, will become the new director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), the FDA announced on May 20.
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Proper has established itself as one of Missouri’s premier cannabis brands. A high level of quality that remains consistent across products, a house of brands that each garner attention from consumers in any of the major product categories, simple design and clear messaging, and an impeccab
Delta-8 gummies come in various flavors to accommodate any diet or taste. They provide more protein and fiber than conventional snacks and healthy fats. Delta 8 gummies are a convenient and delicious snack to add to your routine. The gummies are made entirely of natural ingredients with no kno
Many people want to relax with something at the end of the day, but not everyone wants the effects of their chosen relaxant to take over their decision-making. This is why not everyone likes to consume THC, and its potency may be too much for these people to handle. However, there is a cannabi