Oil contains 30 mg/ml of CBD and just a hint of THC
Charlottetown-based Retro Cannabis & Hemp Extracts, a craft micro producer, has partnered with the region’s largest clothing brand to launch East Coast Lifestyle CBD Oil.
Now available in select Maritime provinces and the Yukon, the oil is made with organic extra virgin olive oil and using and boasts a clean extracted formulation, notes a statement from the Retro.
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The company’s “state-of-the-art supercritical carbon dioxide extraction process provided by Advanced Extraction Systems (AES),” a sister company also located in Charlottetown, helps to keep products clean.
“All systems meet and exceed safety and design requirements for all pressure and electrical codes for Canada, the United States and Europe,” notes the AES website.
The company further maintains the new CBD oil, which contains 30 milligrams/millilitre of CBD and just 1 mg/ml of THC, is free of botanical terpenes and other harmful chemicals, like Retro’s other products.
Since the newly available CBD oil is unflavoured, it is “ready to be added to food, beverages or Nanny’s mustard pickles,” Retro points out.
Beyond the new CBD oil, other Retro products now on offer at select pot shops in the Maritimes and the Yukon. These include both CBD and honey oil varieties, which the company reports are “delivered by pre-loaded glass syringes and full-spectrum, strain-specific vapes in ultra-premium white ceramic cartridges.”
Indeed, Retro reports, the company has 60 exciting formulations in its pipeline.
“We know we have a world-class product here, and all of us at Retro are excited to have our unmatched offerings in the hands of Canadian consumers, Retro CEO Peter Toombs says in the statement.
“We’re very excited to collaborate with Retro and break into the cannabis space. Our first product is a CBD oil produced locally on Prince Edward Island that we’ve been working on for over a year,” says East Coast Lifestyle founder and CEO Alex MacLean, adding both brands “are synonymous with the east coast.”
Retro reports that Western Canadians can look forward to seeing the new CBD oil and Retro’s full line of products “at locations near them later this year.”
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